
Placas de esternón para mejorar la estabilidad

Sternal plating for primary and secondary sternal closure; can it improve sternal stability?: "Transverse sternal plating with 1 or 4 plates significantly improves sternal stability closure in human cadaver model. Adding a single sternal plate to primary closure improves the strength of sternal closure with traditional wiring potentially reducing the risk of sternal dehiscence and could be considered in high risk patients."

Aplicación local de Acido tranexámico para reducir sangrado en BPAC

Abstract | Can local application of Tranexamic acid reduce post- coronary bypass surgery blood loss? A randomized controlled trial.: "Topical application of tranexamic acid in patients undergoing primary coronary artery bypass grafting led to a significant reduction in postoperative blood loss without adding extra risk to the patient."


Rol de la Aspirina en la TVP

¿Tiene la Aspirina un rol en la Trombosis venosa profunda?

Does acetyl salicylic acid (ASA) have a role in the prevention of venous thromboembolism? Br J Haematol. 2009 May 9. [Epub ahead of print]

Karthikeyan G, Eikelboom JW, Turpie AG, Hirsh J.

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.

Summary Guidelines differ on whether acetyl salicylic acid (ASA, aspirin) should be used for prophylaxis in patients at high-risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), principally because of differences in perceptions of its efficacy. ASA is an attractive therapeutic option because it is inexpensive, easy to administer and does not require monitoring. We critically reappraised the evidence from randomized controlled trials for the efficacy of ASA in VTE prevention. ASA is clearly efficacious in preventing VTE compared to placebo or no treatment, but appears to be less efficacious than the low molecular weight heparins in small trials. There is little data for ASA in comparison with unfractionated heparin and warfarin. A large randomized controlled trial is required to clarify the role of ASA compared to contemporary anticoagulant strategies for the prevention of VTE.

PMID: 19438502 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]


Bypass Ventrículo aórtico en estenosis aórticas críticas.

Treatment of aortic stenosis with aortic valve byp...[J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2009] - PubMed Result: "CONCLUSIONS: An aortic valve bypass conduit as small as 10 mm results in excellent relief of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in critical aortic valve stenosis. The presence of an aortic valve bypass conduit has no effect on cerebral blood flow. All blood flow to the brain occurs via antegrade flow across the native stenotic valve; this configuration may decrease the long-term risk of cerebral thromboembolism."

Insuficiencia Mitral en cambio aórtico

Management of moderate functional mitral regurgita...[J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2009] - PubMed Result: "CONCLUSION: Moderate functional mitral regurgitation improved in most patients after aortic valve replacement. Residual mitral regurgitation did not affect survival independently of left ventricular function."

Abordaje de Válvula Mitral en aurículas pequeñas

The transseptal T-cut--what more can we see? [J Card Surg. 2008 Sep-Oct] - PubMed Result: "An optimal approach to the mitral valve for repair or replacement must provide adequate exposure even in a small left atrial and redo cases, without need for forceful retraction. This benefit of good exposure must not be at the cost of increased morbidity from increased postoperative bleeding, SA node, or atrioventricular node dysfunction. We describe a simple technique of transseptal T-cut for exposure of the mitral valve, which is without the attendant complications of the other techniques."

Tto quirúrgico de la Endocarditis Bacteriana

Surgical therapy in patients with active infective...[Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2008] - PubMed Result: "CONCLUSIONS: The survival of patients differs significantly in dependence on their surgical urgency. Better outcome could have been achieved if patients had been referred earlier for surgery and operated upon before heart failure or septic shock developed. Long-term survival was better in patients without abscess formation. The low reinfection rate of Shelhigh bioprostheses in AIE is promising and the early and mid-term results achieved need to be verified in the long-term course."

Anticoagulación en prótesis cardiacas

Aniticoagulation in patients following prosthetic ...[Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2009] - PubMed Result: "Conclusions: Anticoagulation for mechanical heart valve replacement can be managed with INR levels of 2-2.5 with acceptable hemorrhagic and thromboembolic events."


Neumotórax y Drenaje Torácico

Air Leaks, Pneumothorax, and Chest Drains: (Para leer el artículo completo se necesita una cuenta en MedScape. Es gratis)
Air leaks can be defined as any extrusion of air from normal gas-filled cavities including the upper airway, sinuses, tracheobronchial tree, and gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Clinical conditions of relevance in anaesthesia and critical care include pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, pneumopericardium, pneumoperitoneum, and subcutaneous emphysema. This review will cover those related to the chest; of these, pneumothorax is the most common serious complication. In critically ill patients, the diagnosis of pneumothorax is often complicated by other disease processes and the limitations of bedside imaging.


Cambio aórtico por toracotomía izquierda después de una cirugía de esófago.

Aortic valve replacement through left thoracotomy ...[Ann Thorac Surg. 2008] - PubMed Result:
Paciente con cirugía de esófago 14 años atrás, con tubo gástrico subesternal. Se abordó la válvula aórtica por toracotomía izquierda.
A 67-year-old man was referred for aortic valve surgery due to aortic valve regurgitation. He underwent an aortic valve replacement through a left thoracotomy, since he had a history of esophageal surgery with substernal gastric tube reconstruction and lymph node dissection through a right thoracotomy 14 years ago. The aortic valve was successfully replaced with excellent visualization using vacuum-assisted venous drainage on a cardiopulmonary bypass. Although exposing the aortic valve through a left thoracotomy is difficult, the application of vacuum-assisted venous drainage helps visualize the aortic valve in this approach."

Mismatch aórtico de prótesis mecánica y stented bioprótesis

Validity of identifying patient-prosthesis mismatc...[J Artif Organs. 2008] - PubMed Result:
Pibarot and Dumesnil demostraron que el índice de área efectiva,IAE, ( indexed effective orifice area) de las prótesis mecánicas debe ser mayor a 0.85 - 0.90' cm2/m2 para prevenir un gradiente elevado después de la cirugía cardiaca.
Este IAE debe ser mayor de 1.25 cm2/m2 en las stented bioprótesis.

The main problem that arises from patient-prosthesis mismatch after aortic valve replacement is a residual high transvalvular pressure gradient, resulting in left ventricular overload. It was demonstrated by Pibarot and Dumesnil that the indexed effective orifice area should be larger than 0.85-0.90 cm2/m2 to prevent any significant transvalvular pressure gradient after operation. However, we have encountered a higher residual transvalvular pressure gradient than expected in some patients with an aortic stented bioprosthesis with an indexed effective orifice area greater than 0.85 cm2/m2. Based on our data, an indexed effective orifice area of less than 1.25 cm2/m2 might be considered the threshold for patient-prosthesis mismatch in patients with a stented bioprosthesis because this indexed effective orifice area is associated with a low mean transvalvular pressure gradient (less than 10 mmHg). The practical implications include the necessity to consider the hemodynamic performance of each prosthesis type when seeking to define patient-prosthesis mismatch and abnormally or significant high postoperative gradients that lead to an increased left ventricular workload, so as to avoid residual significant transvalvular pressure gradients and higher rates of morbidity and mortality."

Control de la anticoagulación en el perioperatorio de cirugía cardiaca

Perioperative coagulation management and blood con...[J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2008] - PubMed Result:
CONCLUSIONS: The majority of Canadian institutions do not use point-of-care tests other than ACT. Most institutions do not have algorithms for management of bleeding following cardiac surgery and at least 30% do not monitor their transfusion practice perioperatively. Cardiac surgery patients in Canada may benefit from a standardized approach to blood conservation in the perioperative period."

Uso del Cell Saver en la cirugía cardiaca

A randomized controlled trial of cell salvage in r...[Anesth Analg. 2008] - PubMed Result:
"CONCLUSION: In patients undergoing routine first-time cardiac surgery in an institution with a rigorous blood conservation program, the routine use of cell salvage does not further reduce the proportion of patients exposed to allogeneic blood transfusion. However, patients who do not have excessive bleeding after surgery receive significantly fewer units of blood with cell salvage. Although the use of cell savage may reduce the demand for blood products during cardiac surgery, this comes at an increased cost to the institution."

Implante de válvula aórtica por cateter

Transcatheter valve implantation for patients with aortic stenosis...[Eur Heart J. 2008] - PubMed Result:
"CONCLUSION: Transcatheter aortic valve implantation is a promising technique, which may offer an alternative to conventional surgery for high-risk patients with aortic stenosis. Today, careful evaluation is needed to avoid the risk of uncontrolled diffusion."

Guías clínicas ACC/AHA 2008 en enfermedad valvular cardiaca

ACC/AHA 2008 guideline update on valvular heart di...[Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2008] - PubMed Result
Guías Clínicas de la enfermedad Valvular cardiaca.


Transfusión sanguínea en cirugía cardiaca. Actualización

Transfusion dependency of cardiac surgery--update ...[Swiss Med Wkly. 2006] - PubMed Result
Descripción de las técnicas empleadas para la disminución del uso de sangre homóloga en la cirugía cardiaca, llegando a requerir solamente 2 paquetes globulares.

Eficacia de una sola amp de eritropoyetina en el preoperatorio

The efficacy of preoperative administration of a single dose of recombinant human erythropoietin...[Heart Surg Forum. 2007] - PubMed Result
CONCLUSIONS: Although the effectiveness for avoiding transfusion was not clear, the administration of a single dose of rHuEPO without autologous blood donations had an effect by increasing hematocrit levels.


Clopidrogel con Aspirina en la Insuf Art Periférica

Patients with peripheral arterial disease in the CHARISMA trial.
Conclusion Dual therapy provided some benefit over aspirin alone in PAD patients for the rate of MI and the rate of hospitalization for ischaemic events, at the cost of an increase in minor bleeding.


Contenido Vol 136, Issue 6, December 2008

JTCS -- Table of Contents (136 [6])
Contenido de la Journal Of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery (JTCS)

Técnica para el cierre de un esternón dehiscente, inestable

Transverse sternal plating in secondary sternal reconstruction -- Huh et al. 136 (6): 1476 -- The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery:
"Conclusion: The transverse sternal plating system successfully achieved stability in all cases and is valuable in complex sternal reconstructions. Sternal plating is an effective alternative to wire closure in sternum with fractures, chronic and acute instability, or poor bone quality."
Técnica para el cierre de un esternón dehiscente.